Fraud prevention: Tackling challenges in self-checkout
While self-checkout offers a number benefits for both customers and businesses, its implementation presents unique challenges, particularly in the areas of fraud detection and prevention. Addressing these challenges is crucial for ensuring the security and efficiency of SCO systems.
AI and computer vision are revolutionizing fraud prevention in self-checkout environments. These technologies not only enhance real-time fraud detection but also help in refining and improving SCO systems by providing actionable insights, ensuring a seamless and secure shopping experience for both retailers and customers.
Who is it relevant to and what can you expect?
If you're part of an IT department considering implementing SCO in your stores or fighting fraud at your already implemented SCO, we invite you to join us for this episode of Retail Dialogues.
This session will feature a comprehensive discussion on fraud prevention in SCO, along with a live demo of our partner Nomitri's solution.
Welcome and intro
Setting the scene
- Market trends for SCO
The fraud challenge and types of fraud at SCO
Types of fraud prevention
- AI and computer vision for better fraud prevention
Soft nudging and intelligent interventions
Discussion and questions
Meet our guests
Simon Sellner
Simon is the Head of Business Development at Nomitri. His experience in business development and strategic growth includes corporate development and B2B sales for SaaS products. Simon holds a Master of Science in Business Administration with a focus on SCM and Innovation Management.
Peder Herborg
Peder, Fiftytwo's CTO, has worked with IT for more than 20 years. In his career, he has worked with a wide range of IT disciplines, such as programming, project management, and as lead.
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