In the beauty industry, sales are often based on dialogs with customers, which is natural because in beauty stores many sales begin at the shelves rather than at checkouts. That’s why the flexibility of using mobile POS solutions can be a great advantage in beauty stores. Not only do MPOSs provide the same feature set as stationary beauty store POS systems, but they can also include the same integrations with webshops, loyalty programs, etc., so staff can smoothly access customer profiles, endless aisles, etc., during any customer dialog.

Any type of POS in the beauty industry must be able to calculate prices lightning fast because the industry is known for its often highly complex discount and campaign structures, which may also involve personalized loyalty-based offers. Staff must be able to scan articles in any order and still get their customers the best prices – instantly.

Leading Danish beauty industry player Matas is an excellent example of a beauty chain that successfully uses a 52ViKING POS solution with MPOS to provide excellent customer experiences and achieve highly impressive basket sizes.

Key challenges in beauty

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What does it take to be successful in beauty?

  • Unified commerce: In many beauty chains, the POS solution must work together with webshop systems, Click&Collect, etc., in unified commerce or omnichannel ecosystems, where prices, campaigns, and discounts (often personal ones) must be the same across all channels.

  • Loyalty: Loyalty is big business in the beauty industry, so chains’ loyalty program integration must be fully integrated into POSs.

  • Floor-based sales: Personal engagement and advice are paramount, and in beauty stores, staff must be able to advise customers at the shelves where customers choose their articles. With that ability, there’s a good chance of upselling or increasing basket sizes as well as maintaining excellent customer relationships and retention rates, but it requires that staff have access to information about articles as well as customer profiles when and where they need it, and that they’re able to complete sales anywhere in stores when the opportunity arises.

  • Complex discounts: 3 for 2 when you buy suncare products. Buy 5 articles and get a 50% discount on the most expensive article. Buy for over EUR 50 to get a gift if you’re a customer club member. All three campaigns apply this week, but what happens if a club member buys 7 articles, 4 of which are suncare products, at a total normal price of 69,93? POSs in beauty stores must find the right prices, discounts, and rewards for individual customers at lightning speed.

Fiftytwo meets the needs of the beauty industry

Thanks to Fiftytwo’s long-standing relationship with the beauty industry, we have a deep understanding of the industry’s needs, not least thanks to the excellent feedback and innovative requests we’ve received from our customers in the beauty industry over the years.

Non-exhaustive examples of how 52ViKING helps the beauty industry:

Loyalty integration

You can fully integrate loyalty solutions into 52ViKING for a complete overview of customer profiles, points balances, personalized offers and recommendations, etc.

Gifts and returns

When you use 52ViKING to sell articles with exchange stickers, you can link exchange stickers directly to individual transactions on receipts. With a single scanning operation, staff can look up the relevant line on the original sales transaction and smoothly handle any return, which provides an excellent customer experience. This is essential for efficient returns management.

Gift cards

52ViKING handles all gift card-related procedures, including partial redemption, balance checks, and chain-wide reservations to prevent misuse.

Mobile point-of-sale (MPOS)

Freedom to advise customers and sell articles wherever required. All the features of a regular POS everywhere your staff needs it, including integrations with webshops and loyalty programs. We initially developed our 52ViKING MPOS solution in close collaboration with leading players in the beauty industry. It has since then proved its suitability in several other industries.

Advanced discounts and campaigns

Through the years, 52ViKING has handled any imaginable combination of beauty industry discounts, campaigns, and personalized offers, including mix/match, discount ladders, maximum quantities, rounding conditions, coupons, points, stamps, etc. This supports complex discount management.

Unified commerce and endless aisles

52ViKING ensures that prices, discounts, and campaigns are available across all sales channels, and if an article isn’t available through one channel, customers can easily access it through another.

Beauty retail technology

52ViKING incorporates advanced beauty retail technology to ensure that the POS system can handle the unique demands of beauty retailers, from inventory management to customer engagement.

POS for beauty retailers

52ViKING provides a comprehensive POS for beauty retailers that integrates seamlessly with other systems, ensuring a smooth operation and enhanced customer experience.

Personalized customer service

With 52ViKING, beauty stores can offer personalized customer service by accessing customer profiles, purchase history, and preferences, allowing staff to make tailored recommendations.

Beauty product checkout

The beauty product checkout process is streamlined and efficient with 52ViKING, ensuring quick and accurate transactions.

Retail loyalty programs

52ViKING supports extensive retail loyalty programs to help beauty retailers build and maintain customer loyalty through personalized offers and rewards.

Retailers benefiting from the Fiftytwo POS solution


7 areas where a mobile POS system can strengthen your business

Today’s retailers have no choice but to keep up and regularly decide on new technologies to ensure customer satisfaction and a healthy ROI. This article delves into a technology that can ensure both: a mobile POS system.


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Søren Brammer Riis


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